  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    中文名稱:重歸蘇蓮託外文名稱:Come back to Sorrento歌詞:Come Back To Sorrento重歸蘇蓮託是一首著名的義大利歌曲歌詞:Come Back To SorrentoO"erthe sea the sunlight dancing ,waking thoughtsof tender feeling, I have seen your eyes reflecting, this same linght that makes me dream.When I pass a lovely garden, breathing scent of many blos soms; There"s a mem"ry and a picture of but you within my heart.Now you say goodbye I"m leaving this poor heart of mine is grieving;Can it be that you"ve forgotten? Can it be that love is gone? Say not farewell and leave a heart that"s borken .Comeback to Sorrento, that I may live!歌詞翻譯:看,這海洋多麼美麗!多麼激動人的心情!看這大自然的風景,多麼使人陶醉!看,這山坡旁的果園,長滿黃金般的蜜柑,到處散發著芳香,到處充滿溫暖。可是你對我說"再見",永遠拋棄你的愛人,永遠離開你的家鄉,你真忍心不回來?請別拋棄我,別使我再受痛苦!重歸蘇蓮託,你回來吧!

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