兄弟也可以用以下幾個詞語表示younger brother、brethren、brother、brer、lad、sibling、frere、frater、buddie、binghi、bro、brod、Bros、bruvver雙語例句1、四海之內皆兄弟。All men on earth are human brothers.2、他們完全平等和兄弟般地在一起生活和工作。They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.3、她父親和她的兄弟們會羞愧死。Her father and her brothers would die of shame.4、我有個有錢的兄弟,很多人都因此羨慕我。I have a rich brother and a lot of people envy the fact.5、我認為對孩子們來講有可以相互理解溝通的兄弟姐妹很重要。I think it is important for children to have brothers and sisters they can relate to.
兄弟也可以用以下幾個詞語表示younger brother、brethren、brother、brer、lad、sibling、frere、frater、buddie、binghi、bro、brod、Bros、bruvver雙語例句1、四海之內皆兄弟。All men on earth are human brothers.2、他們完全平等和兄弟般地在一起生活和工作。They live and work together in complete equality and brotherhood.3、她父親和她的兄弟們會羞愧死。Her father and her brothers would die of shame.4、我有個有錢的兄弟,很多人都因此羨慕我。I have a rich brother and a lot of people envy the fact.5、我認為對孩子們來講有可以相互理解溝通的兄弟姐妹很重要。I think it is important for children to have brothers and sisters they can relate to.