  • 1 # 使用者7744992489391


    1、Cold Cream Deep Cleanser 深層清潔冷霜2、Ponds Cold Cream Face Cleanser 池塘冷霜的臉洗面奶3、ORIGINS Pure Cream Rinseable Cleanser 他是卸臉部的卸妝乳4、purifying facial cream cleanser 純淨滋潤潔面相關例句:1、In the evening with some cold cream cleanser , It came off easy. 在晚上用一些冷霜卸妝,很容易就將它卸掉了。

    2、This effective, yet gentle cream cleanser deep cleans without over-irritating yourskin. 這有效的,但溫和的深層清潔霜清潔無過度刺激你的面板。

    3、Skin solution: Use a plain, gentle cleanser, like Neutrogena NightCalming Nourishing Cream Cleanser. It"ll probably cost less than one with wrinkle-smoothing ingredients. 面板保養大法:使用最普通的暖和清潔品,如露得清晚間營養滋潤潔面乳,它比包含去皺成分的同類產品更便宜。

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