鐵達尼號的主題曲:My Heart Will Go On就是被翻譯成:“愛無止境”而我想 Endless love 也是一個非常不錯的翻譯endless: [ "endlis ] adj. 無止境的,沒完沒了的例句與用法:
1. Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital. 無限的耐心使她成為這個醫院最好的護士。
2. I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance. 我太忙了,沒空聽她那沒完沒了的牢騷。
3. British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences. 布林沃·利頓,愛德華·喬治·厄爾·利頓1803-1873英國作家,以其頗受歡迎的歷史小說而聞名,尤其是龐貝城的最後一日(1834年),以及他那看起來永無止境的錯綜複雜的句子
4. His endless talking hinders me from my study. 他沒完沒了的談話妨礙了我的學習。
5. The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望無際的草原會淨化你的思想。
6. Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. 參觀展覽會的人絡繹不絕。
7. The fascinations of the circus are endless. 馬戲表演非常吸引人.
8. I began to sicken of the endless violence shown on television. 我逐漸對電視上無盡無休的暴力鏡頭感到厭惡.
鐵達尼號的主題曲:My Heart Will Go On就是被翻譯成:“愛無止境”而我想 Endless love 也是一個非常不錯的翻譯endless: [ "endlis ] adj. 無止境的,沒完沒了的例句與用法:
1. Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital. 無限的耐心使她成為這個醫院最好的護士。
2. I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance. 我太忙了,沒空聽她那沒完沒了的牢騷。
3. British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences. 布林沃·利頓,愛德華·喬治·厄爾·利頓1803-1873英國作家,以其頗受歡迎的歷史小說而聞名,尤其是龐貝城的最後一日(1834年),以及他那看起來永無止境的錯綜複雜的句子
4. His endless talking hinders me from my study. 他沒完沒了的談話妨礙了我的學習。
5. The endless lea will purify your thought. 一望無際的草原會淨化你的思想。
6. Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. 參觀展覽會的人絡繹不絕。
7. The fascinations of the circus are endless. 馬戲表演非常吸引人.
8. I began to sicken of the endless violence shown on television. 我逐漸對電視上無盡無休的暴力鏡頭感到厭惡.