  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    tomato讀音:英 [təˈmɑ:təʊ] 美 [təˈmeɪtoʊ] n.番茄,西紅柿;[俚語] 美女複數: tomatoes例句:1、Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it 諾爾曼切開自己的派,往裡面擠了點番茄醬。2、Berti"s clear tomato soup is deliciously light 伯蒂做的西紅柿清湯清淡可口。3、You can buy tomato plants at the nursery. 你可以在苗圃買到番茄苗。片語:tomato salad 西紅柿沙拉 ; 蕃茄片 ; 番茄沙拉 ; 番茄色拉Tomato red 番茄紅 ; 可愛紅 ; 西紅柿紅 ; 橙色Tomato sandwich 蕃茄三味夾 ; 西紅柿三文治 ; 番茄三文治tomato extract 番茄提取物 ; 供應番茄提取物 ; 番茄紅素提取物Tomato Powder 番茄粉tomato puree 蕃茄糊 ; 蕃茄醬 ; 番茄醬 ; 番茄泥擴充套件資料:Cherry Tomatoes聖女果例句:1、One day, I found half of my cherry tomatoes were gone in one plant. 有一天,我發現我的櫻桃西紅柿一半都不見了。2、Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce. 食客品嚐到鮮嫩多汁的櫻桃西紅柿裡面填滿了堅果的芝麻醬。3、Salmon, spinach, cherry tomatoes, tomato sauce. 三文魚,菠菜,小番茄,番茄醬。4、I had lasagna, Tricia had spaghetti with cherry tomatoes, and we shared a fresh fruit platter for dessert. 我烤寬麵條,特里西婭曾與櫻桃西紅柿義大利麵,和我們分享了新鮮水果甜點拼盤。

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