  • 1 # zkamr38729

    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;靈魂伴隨著失落的心變得如此厭倦;When troubles come and my heart burdened be;心靈承受著煩惱帶來的困惑;Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,然後,我只能靜靜的在這兒等待Until you come and sit a while with me.直到你降臨於我身旁的那一刻You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你喚醒了我,讓我得以屹立於高山之顛;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你喚醒了我,讓我得以遨遊於大海之深I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依著你的肩膀,讓我變得如此堅強You raise me up… To more than I can be.你喚醒了我,讓我得以重生!You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你喚醒了我,讓我得以屹立於高山之顛;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你喚醒了我,讓我得以遨遊於大海之深I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依著你的肩膀,讓我變得如此堅強You raise me up… To more than I can be.你喚醒了我,讓我得以重生!You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你喚醒了我,讓我得以屹立於高山之顛;You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你喚醒了我,讓我得以遨遊於大海之深I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依著你的肩膀,讓我變得如此堅強

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