  • 1 # 她超可愛超可愛

    He flunked out of flight training. 他因不及格而退出飛行訓練。His training fits him for the job. 他受過的訓練使他能勝任此項工作。We have been training hard for the games. 我們一直為這次運動會進行緊張訓練。

    Because of this race, we have lots of training.因為這場比賽,我們有了許多訓練。it is necessary for us to have a high level training.我們有必要進行一次高水平的訓練。I always wished to God that it would rain so we would not have the training.我一直希望老天能下場雨,那樣我們不用訓練了。Now we"ll have oral training.現在我們做口語練習。

    In this year, I joined in many school activities, I have been training.在這一年間,我參加許多學校的活動,使我得到了鍛鍊。

    Unions have nothing to do with skill training .工會也不管技術培訓。

    Buck up or we will miss the train .快點兒,不然我們就趕不上火車了。

    She personally started a training school .她親自創辦了一所培訓學校。

    I am training my dog to come to heel .我在訓練我的狗讓它緊跟著我。

    He got his training with the non-skeds .他在不定期航空公司受過訓練!

    It"s difficult to find training in a sentence.


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