  • 1 # 手機使用者86660411892

    In the past years, many Chinese like to spend their seven-day-long Labor"s Day and National Day on traveling, which were therefore named the "Golden Week". With the improvement of living conditions, people begin to pursue higher quality of life. The long holidays just provide them the opportunity to walk out of their home and enjoy the pleasure of traveling.

    But many people are claiming to cancel the Golden Week in recent years. They observe that the traveling craze the higher prices for transportation, food and lodging, the tickets of scenic spots and all the other travel-related spending. Secondly, there are potential risks for public safety due to the overcrowded scenic spots, the lower quality of services,etc.

    As for me, I prefer to cancel the Golden Week. Fairly speaking. I think the idea of reserving long holidays for traveling is good.The point is how to flexibly and rationally distribute the holidays within the year. In a word ,we need holidays, but not the crowded ones as we are having now.

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