  • 1 # 頭像吧

    Rules make lifes beauitiful. People cannot live without rules, because our human being is a greedy race. There would be chaos if there are no rules.  A series is called "The 100". It states that a nuclear explosion caused our earth not livable for human race, so all the countriesused their space stations to bulid an arc. Then 100 years later, the arc was dying, so the people would have to send people back to earth to see if earth had changed and were livable for our people.  They sent 100 prisoners down to earth. But on ground, there are no rules. Then they began to fight and kill each others.  And that is why I think we need rules; rules would make us a civilized race.

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  • 一個人在什麼情況下會自言自語啊?謝謝?