  • 1 # 有緣書匯

    Dream It PossibleI will run, I will climb, I will soar.我奔跑,我攀爬,我會飛翔。I"m undefeated永不言敗Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord跳出我的面板,撥弄琴絃Yeah I believe it哦,我相信。The past, is everything we were don"t make us who we are往昔,逝去的光陰不會決定現在so I"ll dream, until I make it real, and all I see is stars所以我們夢想,直到變成真,看到滿天星光It"s not until you fall that you fly不怕跌倒,所以飛翔When you dreams come alive you"re unstoppable當你的夢想成真,你是不可阻擋take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful揮著翅膀,追逐太陽,尋找美麗We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold在黑暗中閃耀點石成金And we"ll dream it possible我們會夢想成真I will chase, I will reach, I will fly我追逐,我賓士,我要飛翔Until I"m breaking, until I"m breaking直到墜落,直到崩潰Out of my cage, like a bird

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