  • 1 # 使用者6942982755842

    《熊出沒》:Boonie Bears 該片主要講述了森林保護者熊兄弟與破壞森林、採伐原木、佔領土地開發創業實驗田的光頭強之間上演的一幕幕搞笑對決的故事。 相關介紹: 《熊出沒》用誇張的卡通手法講述森林保護者熊兄弟與破壞森林、採伐原木、並佔領土地開發創業實驗田的光頭強之間上演的一幕幕搞笑對決;整部動畫片從頭至尾充滿喜感,輕鬆搞笑,幽默詼諧。

  • 2 # 影片好笑

    Recently,I watched a cartoon,called "bear",I feel very meaningful,because this cartoon teaches us to protect forests,don"t cut the trees.There are three protagonistsare the "bear","the two bears" and "head",the bald strong a lumberjack,looks like Zhao Benshan.Head each time with a chainsaw when were the "bear","the two bears" heard after a hard lesson from the.Have a saying is bald with a way,the secret is to ownappearance made of wax people saw wood in the forest,the bear two saw the bald strong in the past logging after beaten up results,bald is a fake.So several round hits is a wax people head strong,bears two has been tired out.Really bald in La "fish in troubled waters" in the felling of trees.Can bear very clever it first listen to the sound,was observed after sawing traces.After a while,the bald strong to find out.I want tolearn to bear the same careful observation,but also learn to analyze every thing in the brain.

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