  • 1 # 一切都那麼美來

    《the things you are to me》 If I held in my hand, 如果我握在手心 every grain of sand, 每一把細沙 Since time first began to be, 自一開始那樣 Still, I could never count, 仍舊,我不能細數 measure the amount, 數出數量 Of all the things you are to me, 所有你給我的感覺 If I could paint the sky, 如果我能色彩描繪天空 hang it out to dry, 掛在外面吹乾 I would want the sky to be 我想天空成為 Oh,such a grand design, 如此美妙的設計 an everlasting sign, 永恆的標記 Of all the things you are to me. 所有你給我的感覺 You are the song 你是歌曲 that comes on summer winds, 隨夏天的風而來 You are the falling year 你是凋零的一年 that autumn brings; 隨秋天帶來 You are the wonder 你是奇蹟 and the mystery 和神秘 In everything I see 我所看到的所有 the things you are to me. 你給我的感覺 Sometimes,I wake at night, 有時,我夜晚醒來 suddenly take fright, 突然驚恐 You might be just fantasy, 你可能只是幻想 But then you reach for me 但是之後你接觸到我 and once again I see, 我又一次看到 All the things you are to me. 所有你給我的感覺

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 別克凱越為什麼空擋滑行怠速會升高,停車穩以後就正常?