  • 1 # 在雲端Uu

    Leslie:Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open.僅僅閉上雙眼,然後敞開你的心扉。

    Leslie:We rule Terabithia,and nothing crushes us!我們是Terabithia的統治者,我們無堅不摧!

    Mrs. Myers:If you download any essay off the Internet,you will be downloaded into detention.如果誰從網上下載作業,誰就將被下載進留堂名單。

    Childrens:Free the pee!Free the pee!...小便免費!小便免費!

    Ms. Edmunds:Mind like yours wide open,you can create a whole new world.如果像你一樣的心扉能完全敞開,你能創造一個全新的世界。

    Ms. Edmunds:Jess,don"t let other kids get in your way.Jess,不要讓其他孩子干擾你。

    Leslie:You have to believe it,and you hate it.I don"t have to believe it,and I think it"s beautiful.你們必須相信它(《聖經》),所以你們討厭它。我不需要相信它,所以我覺得它很美。

    Leslie:I seriously do not think God goes around damning people to hell.He"s too busy running all this.我實在不相信上帝整天走來走去把人貶入地獄。他正忙著掌管這些呢。

    Leslie:All I"m saying is that you are who you are,not your parents.我只想說:你就是你,不是你的父母。 -Leslie:Take a picture,last longer.拍張照,好好端詳。

    Leslie:Seems to me she gives it out whether you ask for it or not.So why as well have some fun?不管我是否送上門她都會來找我。那為什麼不和她玩玩呢?

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