  • 1 # 影片好笑

    影拓數位板在mac os 10.10上,使用PS 出現快捷鍵延遲現象,比如當前是畫筆工具,想按E鍵跳轉到擦筆工具,怎麼按都沒反應,需要先用滑鼠或手繪筆點一下ps選單欄空白處才能切換 A: 解決方案是安裝white window working ground外掛 解決方法: <


    > Note: This solution is for Photoshop CC (2013) and CS6 only. 這個解決方案只是適用於Photoshop CC (2013)和CS6 1. Close Photoshop and download the following file to a location you can easily find. 關掉PS 軟體,並透過以下連結下載外掛 WhiteWindowWorkaround.plugin1_0_6.zip <


    > 2. Unzip the file, WhiteWindowWorkaround.plugin, and move it to //Applications/Adobe Photoshop [Version]/Plug-ins/ 解壓檔案,將外掛WhiteWindowWorkaround.plugin 移動到//Applications/Adobe Photoshop [Version]/Plug-ins/ 這個資料夾裡面 3. You can verify the plug-in is installed by launching Photoshop and choosing Help > System Info. 你可以透過執行PS軟體,選擇help>system info,檢查是否外掛安裝成功 Scroll to the bottom of the text in the dialog and look for the plug-in name. 下拉到底部,檢查是否有外掛的名字~

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