  • 1 # huppo37953

    vt.證明,證實:Later,findings verified the scientist"s theory.後來的發現證實了這位科學家的理論。核實,驗證,檢驗;校準:We must verify his figures.我們必須把他的數字核實一下。作證;鑑定;查證:I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.為了查證這個詞的拼寫方法,我從詞典中查了一下這個詞。【法律】證明…屬實(用於宣誓或證詞中)【計算機】檢驗,核對【軍械】核查;核實近義詞:confirm變形:vt. verified . verifying1、短語Verify pbumword 反覆輸出您的密碼Verify pbummword 反覆輸出您的密碼Verify Apps 應用驗證 ; 驗證應用程式Program Verify 程式設計驗證Verify details 驗證細節 ; 驗證的詳細資訊 ; 正在翻譯Verify complete 驗證完成 ; 核查完成Verify Registration 驗證登記 ; 驗證註冊VERIFY DESTINATION 校驗目標盤Verify Points 驗證點2、例句We must verify his figures. 我們必須把他的數字核實一下。I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling. 為了查證這個詞的拼寫方法,我從詞典中查了一下這個詞。You cannot verify their soul is the same. 你並不能核實他們的靈魂是同一個。When we already believe something to be true, we verify our belief by checking. 當我們已經相信某些東西是正確的,我們會透過檢查來核實這一點。We need further investigation to verify this entire issue. 我們需要進一步調查來核實整個問題。However, it would be difficult to verify the accuracy of those images, since only the dreamerever "sees" them. 而既然只有做夢者本人才“見過”那些景象,那麼就難以核實它們是否確切。更多專業的科普知識,歡迎關注我。如果喜歡我的回答,也請給我贊或轉發,你們的鼓勵,是支援我寫下去的動力,謝謝大家。

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