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      「 buy 」中文意思除了購買的基本定義,你知道還有什麼其他意思或用法嗎?以金錢收買某人,換取協議  ex. The judges have been bought.  這法官已被收買。  ex. The scandal stated that the Parliament representatives had been bought by an electric company.  這則醜聞聲明瞭議會代表被電子公司收買。to believe 相信  ex. I don"t buy that for a second.  我不相信那一秒鐘發生的事。  ex. They"re never gonna buy your story about getting lost on the way to the airport.  他們從未相信你在機場途中迷路的故事。  ex. Don"t buy into her lies.  不要相信她的謊言。to buy time 拖延 延遲  ex. I called in sick today and bought myself some time to finish the project.  我今天請病假,藉以拖延時間去完成計畫。  ex. He"s just buying time and waiting for the company to make a decision.  他就是在拖延時間,等待公司作出決定。to buy out 收購 ; 自..購買  ex. Company A was bought out by Company B last year.  A公司去年被B公司收購。to buy the farm = to die 死亡  ex. If you keep riding that motorcycle, you"re gonna buy the farm.  如果你繼續騎那臺摩托車,你將會逝去。  ex. The old man bought the farm last week.  這老人上禮拜去世。 有關英語知識就分享到這裡,在學英語過程中,如果想知道更多關於英語口語方面的內容,可以關注我,未來還會有更多優質內容分享給大家。

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