  • 1 # 短腿大王

    1、Christie’s Swimsuit — How To Unlock: With any character beat Solo Time Attack mode on Legend difficulty without continuing. / Or play 100 Online Ranked Matches.

    克里斯蒂的泳衣是傳奇難度單人時間模式過關或者100 線上排名賽

    2、Kasumi Black Suit — How To Unlock: Clear the True Kasumi chapter in Story Mode.

    霞的黑色衣服 故事模式真.霞章通關

    3、 Kasumi Kimono — How To Unlock: Clear the Kasumi vs. Christie battle in the True Kasumi chapter of Story Mode.

    霞的和服 故事模式真.霞章通

    4、Lisa’s Swimsuit — How To Unlock: With any character beat Survival mode on Legend difficulty. / Or play 200 Online Ranked Matches.

    麗薩的泳衣 任意一角色傳奇難度通關生存模式 或者200 線上排名賽

    5、Tina’s Swimsuit — How To Unlock: With any character beat Solo Arcade mode on Legend difficulty without continuing. / Or play 50 Online Ranked Matches.

    緹娜的泳衣 任意角色傳奇難度打敗單人街機模式不能接 或者50線上排名賽

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