  • 1 # 9976

    Clock Tower building was a typical artistic style of the Ming Dynasty,重簷brackets, save the towering roof, eaves微翹, gorgeous solemnity. The square磚木結構buildings, since the ground to the roof 36 meters high from the base, floor and roof are composed of three parts. Base on each side of 35.5 meters long, 8.6 meters high, all produced by green-brick structure, surrounded by the middle of each 6 meters high are competing in cross-hole coupons, in the past four truck crossing the street fair, flow of vehicles from the coupon-dong through, with the development of urban construction, traffic tickets can not meet the needs of holes, and now tickets have long been closed holes; in a separate circular ring around the Clock Tower Road. Construction of the tower is the design embodies the ancient Chinese wisdom of the people"s skills. 翻譯: 鐘樓呈典型明代建築藝術風格,重簷斗拱,攢頂高聳,屋簷微翹,華麗莊嚴。這座正方形磚木結構建築物,自地面至樓頂高36米,由基座、樓身和樓頂三部分組成。基座每邊長35.5米,高8.6米,全部用青磚砌成,四面正中各有高競均為6米的十字交叉券洞,過去是東南西北四條大街交會的通道,人流車輛從券洞透過,隨著城市建設的發展,券洞無法適應交通流量需要,現在券洞早已封閉;在鐘樓周圍另闢圓形環道。鐘樓的設計構造體現了中國古代人民的高超智慧。

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