  • 1 # 塔裡託費TMD

    主題曲是《Safe and Sound》,暫時還沒有獲獎歌曲名:Safe and Sound創作者:Taylor Swift歌手:Taylor Swift專輯:The Hunger Games: Songs From District 12 And Beyond歌詞:I remember tears streaming down your face在我面前你曾哭得那麼歇斯底里when I said, I"ll never let you go我堅定地告訴你:你還有我When all those shadows almost killed your light那時,你所有的光亮彷彿都被陰影遮住了I remember you said我也記得你還說過don"t leave me here alone別扔下我一個人But all that"s dead and gone and past tonight親愛的別擔心,今晚過後這些都將隨夢而去Just close your eyes安心睡吧the sun is going down太陽都回家了You"ll be all right親愛的,你會好的no one can hurt you now沒有人能傷害你,因為有我呢Come morning light當明日晨光初現You and I"ll be safe and sound我們都將安然無恙

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