  • 1 # 大師兄百科


  • 2 # 來看點娛樂圈



    我最怕 最怕 煙雨濛濛

    What I’m afraid of most is to be in a drizzle.

    看不清 看不清 你的身影

    I can"t see clearly your figure in the drizzle.

    我曾經 曾經對天呼喚

    I once tried to shout to sky.

    天在哭 我在哭 你在何處

    The sky is crying; I"m crying; where do you hide?

    往事一幕幕 傷心一幕幕

    The memories keep haunting me. The sorrows keep haunting me.

    你的眼光你的笑 伴我今日孤獨

    Your eyes and your smiles,accompany me to live with this lonely day.

    煙雨一重重 山水一重重

    It keeps drizzling and


    and waters are in deep shadows.

    你的叮嚀你的淚 是我心中最痛

    Your considerate words and your tears,are the most painful part in my heart.

    我最怕 最怕 煙雨濛濛

    What I’m afraid of most is to be in a drizzle.

    還記得 風雨裡 和你相逢

    I still rememeber the day we encountered in the wind and rain.

    早知道 早知道 如此匆匆

    If we have known that it"s such a haste.

    又何必 又何必 和你相逢

    Why should I have encountered you at that time?

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 曾國藩,李鴻章,左宗棠三個人的簡介和三個人的關係矛盾及最後結局如何?