  • 1 # 吾愛lu


    1)Man’s life is like a dream。

    2)Life passes like a dream。

    3)Man is adrift in this world as if he were in a dream。

    4)Short life as if dream。

    5)Life is only illusion。



    翻譯:All That Jazz won four Academy Awards and earned Fosse his third Oscar nomination for Best Director.


    翻譯: I wish I will look out a mirro which may flash back my soul, then get off my blank life with regrets.


    翻譯:Nobility and gentility are within reach , reminding you of the whisper between you and your loved ones -flashing like floating dreams left you seemingly lips touching。


    翻譯:I wish to be in front of a mirror which is able to reflect the soul, to eliminate the painful memories.


    翻譯:Life is not a dream, destiny is held in our own hands.

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