  • 1 # 英語老師覃冠平


    同學宿舍裡除了些問題,有人錢被偷了。大家都懷疑是某某人頭的,可是又沒有證據。被懷疑的人也覺得很冤枉。這時有人就說了一句: 我們“還是先別冤枉好人”,“別一棍子把人打死”吧,也就是先不要肯定他就是偷錢的人,等拿出證據再說。

    英語把這種語境下表達的這種意思,叫:To give sb. the benefit of the doubt(先往懷疑的好的一面想)

    1) 用中文學英語:

    1. Let"s give him the benefit of the doubt before we start accusing him. There may be a good explanation for the missing money.

    在指責他之前,我們還是先give him the benefit of the doubt 吧,也許錢不見了另有原因呢。

    2. You"re my sister! Can"t you give me the benefit of the doubt, instead of believing the worst about me right away?

    You"re my sister! 為什麼劈頭蓋腦就把我想的這麼壞,就不能先give me the benefit of the doubt嗎?


    Well,when we say We give him or her the benefit of the doubt, we mean:

    1. Let"s believe that he or she innocent,or not guilty until we can he or she is wrong.

    2. Let"s take a favorable ,or neutral opionion or view of him or her.

    To give sb. the benefit of the doubt和司法上的一個專業屬於the assumption of innocence(無罪推定)意思很接近。



    “先別冤枉好人”“別一棍子把人打死”。Let"s give him the benefit of the doubt呢?

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