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    雙語:除了I love you,還可以怎麼表白?

    1、You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. (你是我見過的最美麗的女孩。)

    2、Nothing is more important than to love you. (沒有比愛你更重要的事情了。)

    3、Icannot emphasize the importance of loving you too much. (再怎麼強調愛你的重要都不過分。)

    4、It is universally acknowledged that you are indispensable to me. (全世界都知道你是我不可缺少的。)

    5、There is no doubt that I love you. (毫無疑問我愛你。)

    6、It is conceivable that you plays an important role in my life. (毫無疑問你在我生命裡扮演了重要的角色。)

    7、In time I came to love you. (我開始愛上你了。)

    8、You are kindly which is the reason why Iove you. (你很溫柔,這是我愛上你的原因。)

    9、Loving you is closely related to my life. (愛你與我的生活息息相關。)

    10、I should get into the habit of taking care of you. (我要讓照顧你成為一種習慣。)

    12、What an important thing it is to keep my promise! (履行我的諾言是一個多麼重要的事情啊!)

    13、Loving does good to our mind healthy. (愛對我們的心靈有益。)

    14、We should do our utmost to achieve our goal which is about our love.(我們要努力去實現關於我們愛情的目標。)

    15、I should bring home to you the value of yourself for me. (我要讓你明白你對我有多麼的重要。)

    16、Ishould spare no effort to love you. (我要不遺餘力的去愛你。)

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