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    “網路紅人”,又稱“網路明星”或“網路名人”。英語可以譯為 Internet star, online star, star on line, Internet celebrity, web celebrity, blue-eyed boy on the Internet。例3:網際網路幾乎天天都在製造網路紅人。Almost every day, the Internet is creating web celebrities。 句子:犀利哥從來沒有想過當“時尚偶像”或網路紅人。 誤譯:Brother Sharp never wanted to be a "fashion icon"or a blue-eyed person on the Internet。 正譯:Brother Sharp never wanted to be a "fashion icon"or a blue-eyed boy on the Internet。 解釋:blue-eyed person 是“藍眼睛的人”。blue-eyed boy 的意思是favourite, 或 person who is liked better by sb and receives better treatment than others,即“受寵愛的人”或“紅人”。 “紅人”的第一個意思是“受上級賞識寵信的人”。英語可譯為favourite, highly favoured person, blue-eyed boy(英), fair-haired boy(美)。例1: 由於邁克成為老闆的紅人,就沒有人喜歡他了。Nobody likes Mike since he’s become the boss’s blue-eyed boy。 “紅人”的第二個意思是“走紅的人”。

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