有的。格雷魔法學校(Grey School of Wizardry)世界上第一所註冊巫師學校,也是唯一的一所巫師學校。它已經被美國官方正式認證為學術機構,只要完成規定的學業,還有學位證書頒發。當地時間2011年3月2日正式成立,並被官方認證為學術機構。由於經濟等一系列問題,格雷魔法學校仍然處於網上教學模式。格雷魔法學校有16個系,包括鍊金術、馴獸術、馬語、魔杖製作和咒語。進入魔法學校的學生被分住在4座古代建築裡—風、水女神、侏儒和火蜥蜴。 英國《每日郵報》2日援引奧伯倫·瑞文哈特的話報道:“我們教授高階‘魔法數學’,量子論,宇宙學和玄學,草藥學以及所有古老科學。” 據稱格雷已招收735名學生,有100名是18歲以下,奧伯倫·瑞文哈特稱這些人是“哈利·波特新手”。 學生都是登陸學校官網影片學習。校長在官網說:[Right now, however, as you perceive, our finances are extremely limited... Our ultimate dreams, of course, envision a physical campus—a “castle,” which might take the form of an old monastery, retreat center, winery, or other suitable facility that could provide classrooms, laboratories, kitchen, dining hall, library, museum, and recreational and residential facilities for staff and students. The costs to purchase such a facility would, of course, be considerable; as would be the costs of renovations and continuing maintenance. We regard this as a rather distant dream at this time. ] 如果你想要網址,我可以給你
有的。格雷魔法學校(Grey School of Wizardry)世界上第一所註冊巫師學校,也是唯一的一所巫師學校。它已經被美國官方正式認證為學術機構,只要完成規定的學業,還有學位證書頒發。當地時間2011年3月2日正式成立,並被官方認證為學術機構。由於經濟等一系列問題,格雷魔法學校仍然處於網上教學模式。格雷魔法學校有16個系,包括鍊金術、馴獸術、馬語、魔杖製作和咒語。進入魔法學校的學生被分住在4座古代建築裡—風、水女神、侏儒和火蜥蜴。 英國《每日郵報》2日援引奧伯倫·瑞文哈特的話報道:“我們教授高階‘魔法數學’,量子論,宇宙學和玄學,草藥學以及所有古老科學。” 據稱格雷已招收735名學生,有100名是18歲以下,奧伯倫·瑞文哈特稱這些人是“哈利·波特新手”。 學生都是登陸學校官網影片學習。校長在官網說:[Right now, however, as you perceive, our finances are extremely limited... Our ultimate dreams, of course, envision a physical campus—a “castle,” which might take the form of an old monastery, retreat center, winery, or other suitable facility that could provide classrooms, laboratories, kitchen, dining hall, library, museum, and recreational and residential facilities for staff and students. The costs to purchase such a facility would, of course, be considerable; as would be the costs of renovations and continuing maintenance. We regard this as a rather distant dream at this time. ] 如果你想要網址,我可以給你