  • 1 # 最愛獨角戲

    who -- who -- yeah -- yeah

    I love you more than I can say

    I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow

    love you more than I can say

    who -- who -- yeah -- yeah

    I"ll miss you every single day

    why must my life be filled with sorrow

    I love you more than I can say

    I don"t you know I need you so

    oh tell me please I gotta know

    do you mean to make me cry

    am I just another guy

    who -- who -- yeah -- yeah

    I"ll miss you more than I can say

    why must my life be filled with sorrow

    I love you more than I can say

    I don"t you know I need you so

    oh tell me please I gotta know

    do you mean to make me cry

    am I just another guy

    who -- who -- yeah -- yeah

    I love you more than I can say

    I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow

    love you more than I can say

    I love you more than I can say

    I love you more than I can say

    who -- who

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 帶夏字的成語有哪些?