  • 1 # 微影小拍客

    burning絕對這首。歌詞passion is sweet熱情是甜蜜的love makes weak愛情讓人虛弱you said you cherished freedom so你說你珍惜自由you refuse to let it go所以你絕不會讓自由從你手中溜走follow your fate追隨你的命運love and hate不管是愛與恨never fail to seize the day緊緊地抓住每一天but dont give yourself away .但是決不能放棄自己oh when the night falls哦,當夜幕降臨and your all alone你獨自一人的時候in your deepest sleep what在你的夢境深處are you dreaming of你會夢見什麼my skin"s still burning from your touch我的面板仍舊因為你的愛撫而燃燒oh i just can"t get enough i哦,我只是沒有得到足夠多的你的撫摸said i wouldn"t ask for much我說過我不會向你所取更多but your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛對我來說是致命的誘惑oh the thought keep spinning in my head哦,這想法一直在我的腦海裡盤旋can we drop this masquerade我們能不能脫下虛偽的妝容i can"t predict where it ends我無法預計我們的關係會在哪裡結束if your the rock i"ll crush against我只知道如果你是一塊岩石,我會毫不猶豫的撞上去trapped in a crowd迷失在人群中the music is loud音樂刺耳i said i love my freedom to我曾經說過我也愛自由now i"m not sure i do但是現在我不確定(我是否還熱愛自由)all eyes on you我的目光一直停留在你身上rings so true結婚戒指是如此的真實刺眼better quit while you"re ahead當你在的時候我最好不要提起它now i"m not so sure i am現在我不確定我是否仍舊熱愛自由oh when the night fallsand your all alonein your deepest sleep whatare you dreaming ofmy skin"s still burning from your touchoh i just can"t get enough isaid i wouldn"t ask for muchbut your eyes are dangerousoh the thought keep spinning in my headcan we drop this masqueradei can"t predict where it endsif your the rock i"ll crus .

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