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    because i love you - shakin stevens( 因為我愛你)

    if i got down on my knees and i pleaded with you (假如我跪下懇求你)

    if i crossed a million oceans just to be with you (假如我為了和你在一起而遠渡重洋)

    would you ever let me down? (你會不會讓我失望?)

    if i climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight 假如我為了緊抱你而翻山越嶺,

    if i said that i would love you every single night 假如我說每個寂寞的夜晚都愛著你,

    would you ever let me down? 你會不會讓我失望?

    well i"m sorry if it sounds a kind of sad, it"s just that 好吧,對不起,如果聽起來很傷感,但就是那種感覺-----

    worried, so worried that you let me down 擔心!我是那麼擔心你將讓我失望。

    because i love you, love you 因為我愛你,愛你

    love you, so don"t let me down 愛你,所以請別讓我失望。

    if i swam the longest river just to call your name 假如我為了呼喚你而跋山涉水,

    if i said the way i feel for you would never change 假如我說我對你的感覺永遠不會變,

    would you ever fool around 你會不會理會?

    well i"m sorry if it sounds a kind of bad, just that 好吧,對不起,如果聽起來很嚴重,但就是那種感覺-----

    worried, cuz" i"m so worried that you let me down 擔心!我是那麼擔心你將讓我失望。

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