  • 1 # 努力生活的大聰

    I"m also just a girl,stanging in front of a boy,asking to love her. 強烈頂這句,我看到這節的時候哭了

  • 2 # 不易剪輯

    (A short while later,with a cup of orange juice,William bumps into Anna,spilling his drink all over her shirt.過了一會兒,威廉手裡拿了杯橙汁,撞到了安娜身上,橙汁潑了她一身。) William:I am so sorry,I am so sorry.Let me… Anna:Get your hands off! William:I am really sorry.I live just over the street,I have water and soap,you get cleaned up. Anna:No,thank you.I just need to get my car back. ", "William:I also have a phone.I""m sure that in five minutes we can have yous pick and span(整齊清潔的)and back on the street again…in the nonprostitute sense obviously(絕無半點褻瀆之意). ", "Anna:All right.Well,what do you mean“just over the street”?Give it to me in yards. ", "William:Eighteen yards.That""s my house there with the blue front door. ", "(In William""s house,Anna has cleaned up herself.) ", "William:Would you like a cup of tea before you go? Anna:No. William:Coffee? Anna:No. William:Orange juice—probably not.Something else cold—coke,water,some drink pretending to have something to do with fruits of the forest? Anna:No. William:Would you like something to eat? Anna:No. William:Do you always say“no” to everything? Anna:No.

  • 3 # 蒙D57777


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