  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

      一般準則  雙語例句:  

    1,A kind of general guideline what the international community should be aiming for.  國際社會應該尋求的是一種一般性指南。  

    2,These recommendations are only a general guideline based on our experience on average usage patterns.  這些建議只是根據我們在平均使用模式中的經驗而來的一般指導方針。  

    3,As a general guideline, statements under this item should last no longer than 10 minutes.  作為一項一般原則,在本議程專案下的發言不應超過10分鐘。  

    4,Foreign regarded strictly in accordance with the contract work as a general guideline to implement. 5.  國外把嚴格按合同規定辦事作為一項通用準則來執行。  

    5,A general guideline is to introduce only as much complexity in your queries as you really need.  一個通用的指導原則就是根據實際需要為查詢引入恰如其分的複雜性。

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