  • 1 # make2


    。會變得越來越少了。如果用空氣清潔劑,各種香味,但覺著不太明顯。如果老人願意洗澡,可以經常常洗澡。 老媽不想洗澡,說屋裡不熱。在北方,屋裡面始終在26度左右右,老媽媽還是不肯洗澡。這些也是與許能幫到你。多想辦法,老人真的不容易,需要我們去耐心細緻的照顧。 沒有老人人,就沒有我們。善待老人,就需要多思考,多為老人想想。如果有不瞭解的地方之處,可多溝通。

    More for the elderly, change clothes, wash clothes, wash bedspread, the elderly is not willing to take a bath, can wash feet. For the old man"s room more ventilation, the best three times a day, the best old man is not in the room when the ventilation. My mother is 97 years old, just from shandong to my home, the body smell very big. That"s what I did

    . It"s going to be less and less. If use air cleaner, all sorts of fragrance, but feel not quite apparent. If the old man wishes to bathe, he may bathe often. Mom didn"t want to take a bath and said it wasn"t hot in the house. In the north, the room is always about 26 degrees right, the old mother still refused to take a bath. These can also help you. More ways, the old is really not easy, we need to be patient and meticulous care. No old people, no us. Be kind to the old, you need to think more, think more for the old. If you don"t understand the place, you can communicate more.

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