  • 1 # 任增猛


    無人機在加拿大國家公園也必須經過申請才能拍攝,詳見http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/ab/banff/plan/reglements-regulations/drone.aspx”-我打算九月初出發,想問一下無人機的申請好批麼?具體批下來要花多長時間?是真的拿到了審批,還是個人私帶進去偷飛的?我在網上查的訊息都是負面的,加拿大國家公園管理方對於無人機的使用管的很嚴,個人娛樂性質的申請一般都不批,批下來的都是商業用途的申請。詳情見這個報導:http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/drones-national-parks-1.3354704 “The National Park Air Access Regulations does not allow aircraft — drones and manned vehicles alike — to take off or land in national parks, except with permission from a park superintendent.Drones can be used, if authorized, for "natural or cultural resource management," safety, law enforcement or administrative purposes, including tourism, outreach and education, according to the regulations. "As a result, the recreational use of drones, including model aircraft, is prohibited in national parks," said Christina Tricomi, a spokesperson for the Banff Field Unit. ”

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