  • 1 # 小城大事會

    every night in my dreams 每一個夜晚,在我的夢裡

    i see you, i feel you 我看見你,我感覺到你

    that is how i know you go on 我懂得你的心

    far across the distance 跨越我們心靈的空間

    and the spaces between us 你向我顯現你的來臨

    you have come to show you go on 無論你如何遠離我

    near far whenever you are 我相信我心已相隨

    i believe that the heart does go on 你再次敲開我的心扉

    once more you open the door 你融入我的心靈

    and you"re here in my heart 我心與你同往

    and my heart will go on and on 與你相隨

    love can touch us one time 愛每時每刻在觸控我們

    and last for a lifetime 為著生命最後的時刻

    and never let go till we"re one 不願失去,直到永遠

    love was when i loved you 愛就是當我愛著你時的感覺

    one true time i hold you 我牢牢把握住那真實的一刻

    in my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命裡,愛無止境

    near far whenever you are 無論你離我多麼遙遠

    i believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心同往

    once more you open the door 你敲開我的心扉

    and you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心靈

    and my heart will go on and on 我心與你同往,我心與你相依

    there is some love that will not go away 愛與我是那樣的靠近

    you"re here there is nothing i fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全無畏懼

    and i know that my heart will go on 我知道我心與你相依

    we"ll stay forever this way 我們永遠相攜而行

    you are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然無恙

    and my heart will go on and on我心屬於你,愛無止境

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