  • 1 # dadazhu2

    Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely 告訴我孤獨的意義

    So many words for the broken heart 受傷的心有太多想說的話

    It"s hard to see in a crimson love 很難在深紅色愛中看到

    So hard to breathe 難以呼吸

    Walk with me,and maybe 和我一起走,也許

    Night of light so soon become夜間的燈太快變成

    Wlid and free I could feel the sun狂野自由 我可以感受到太陽

    Your every wish will be done你的每個願望都會實現

    They tell me它們告訴我了


    Show me the meaning of being lonely告訴我孤獨的意義

    Is this the feeling I need to walk with是我需要走下去的這種感覺嗎

    Tell me why I can"t be there where you are告訴我為什麼我不能在你在的地方

    There"s something missing in my heart我心中遺失了一些東西

    Life goes on as it never ends生命不息像是從不結束

    Eyes of stone observe the trends岩石的眼睛可以洞悉趨勢

    They never say forever gaze,if only它們從不說永遠凝視,只有

    Guilty roads ti an endless love通往無盡的愛的有罪之路

    There"s no control無法控制

    Are you with me now現在你和我在一起

    You every wish will be done你的每個願望都會實現

    They tell me它們告訴我了

    There"s nowhere to run無路可逃

    I have no place to go我無處可去

    Surrender my heart,body and soul我的心,身體和靈魂投降了

    How can it be you"re asking me如何能夠像你問我的那樣

    to feel the things you never show感受到你從來沒有展示過的東西

    You are missing in my heart我想念你

    Tell me why I can"t be there where you are告訴我為什麼我不能在你在的地方

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