  • 1 # ogery46196

    special arrival特殊的到來例句:

    1.Todd stern, the us special envoy for climate change, had one aim on arrival in copenhagen last week: to get tough on china. 在上週抵達哥本哈根時,美國氣候變化特使託德斯特恩(todd stern)帶著一個目標:對中國採取更強硬力場。

    2.Please take the special bus when you get on the ground and it"ll carry you right to the arrival hall. 您到達地面後,請坐機場專用車,它將直接把您送到進港廳。

    3.Special events policy ( eg. tattoo, hogmanay, rugby fixtures)-please note for special events the full payment is required on the 1st date of the month of arrival. 特別活動政策(如紋身,除夕夜,橄欖球夾具)請注意特殊事件到來的一個月的第一日全額付款。

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