  • 1 # 且聽漁歌

    春天是spring, 夏天是summer ,秋天是autumn或fall ,冬天是winter


    春天warm、flower、tree、fly the kite 、picnic;

    夏天 hot rain、go swimming;

    秋天 cool wind、fall leaves(落葉);

    冬天 cold 、make a snowman堆雪人、go skate、wind.


    Flowers blossom when spring is coming. 春天來了 花兒就開了。

    The weather in spring is warm. 春天天氣溫暖。

    Days in summer are so hot that people would rather stay at home. 夏天太熱,人們寧願呆在家。

    The weather in summer is hot and sunny. 夏天的天氣晴朗炎熱。

    American people use the word "fall" to mean autumn.美華人用fall這個單詞來表示秋天。

    The weather in autumn is dry and windy. 秋天乾燥涼爽。

    We have passed the last few winters in the south.最近幾年冬天我們都是在南方度過的。

    The weather in winter is cold and snowy.冬天的天氣寒冷多雪。

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