  • 1 # 會跑步的漏斗

    read and tick的讀音:[ri:d] [ənd] [tɪk]意思:閱讀並打勾例句:Look read and tick or cross. 看圖,讀句子,打勾或打叉。Listen and read. Then tick . 聽一聽,讀一讀,打勾。Look and read. Put a tick or a cross in the box. 看圖片和句子,在後面的方框打鉤或叉。Get to know your competition or read about the best and what makes them tick. 嘗試瞭解你的對手,特別是那些優秀的選手,並且瞭解他們的比賽動機。Read the words and find them in the picture. Tick the things that you can see. 讀下面的單詞或短語,並在圖中找出相應物品。找到的請打勾。We would have read the kind of tick-tock reconstructions that the deaths of Americans abroad inviolent and disputed circumstances tend to provoke. 我們會讀到海外美華人在暴力和有爭議的環境下的死亡往往會引起的那種深入跟蹤報道。Ss read again and find the detailed information, then finish the exercise: Tick or cross. 閱讀過程中指導學生詳細閱讀,對重點資訊圈點勾劃。Read your partner"s work, and tick out all the sentences you like or you think are correct. 學生開始閱讀自己同伴的作品並在自己喜歡的或認為是正確的句子前面打勾號。Here are some things you can do to increase your feeling of self worth. 1. Write down severalminor goals for the week and tick one off( )each day as you achieve it. 2. Read a book a month.透過以下方式你可以增強自身的自我價值感。1。每週寫下幾個小目標,每天把已經實現的目標去除掉。2。 花一個月的時間讀一本書。Here are some things you can do to increase your feeling of self worth. 1. Write down severalminor goals for the week and tick one off( )each day as you achieve it. 2. Read a book a month.透過以下方式你可以增強自身的自我價值感。1。每週寫下幾個小目標,每天把已經實現的目標去除掉。2。 花一個月的時間讀一本書。參考資料有道詞典:


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