  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    當loading與lading都是“裝船”的意思時,lading是特指,專指“裝船”或“船運的貨物”。 而loading是泛指,表示一般裝載貨物。1、loading 英 [ˈləʊdɪŋ] 美 [ˈloʊdɪŋ] 意思是:n.裝貨;裝載量;(保險金的)附加費;填充物v.把…裝上車[船]( load的現在分詞 );裝…造句:

    The freighter is loading for Japan. 貨船正裝貨準備駛往日本。Each line describes the loading of one element. 每一行描述一個元素的裝載情況。Must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading? 非要等起重機來了才能裝運嗎?Loading all of the stored objects could be an overhead for no particular reason. 如果沒有特殊原因的話,裝入所有的儲存物件是一種開銷。Some cost savings could have been achieved by improving the logistics of loadingtrucks and shipping packages within each division. 透過在每個部門內部改善裝載卡車的後勤工作和運輸包裝,可以獲得一些成本的節約。2、lading 英 ["leɪdɪŋ] 美 ["leɪdɪŋ] 意思是:n.貨物;裝載;汲取v.裝載(貨物),裝(船),(用勺子)舀出造句:All documents except Bill of Lading should show this L/C number and date. 除了提單外的所有單據都須顯示信用證號碼和日期。Completed set of not less than two clean Ocean Bills of Lading to order and blankendorsed. 不少於兩份的全套清潔,憑指示,空白背書的海運提單。For the amount of your invoice, you will be so good as to draw on Messrs. A & Co. of Hamburg, at three months" date, and forward them a bill of lading, requestingthem to effect insurance. 對貴方的發票金額,請向漢堡A公司開出見票後三個月付款的匯票,附寄該公司提單一份,並請該公司辦理保險。We’ll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading. 我們將寄送兩套已裝運清潔提單 。If the carrier issues a bill of lading for which there are no goods, the carrier is likelyto be liable to the holder. 如果承運人簽發空頭提單,承運人有可能要對持票人承擔責任。

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