  • 1 # 超自然科學所

    1、Blue [bluː]:藍色,拼音:lán sè ;【造句】:She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes. 她是一個害羞、嬌美的女孩,長著一雙大大的藍眼睛。2、Black[blæk] :黑色,拼音:hēi sè ;【造句】:Poachers have been netting salmon to supply the black market. 盜獵者一直在捕撈大麻哈魚到黑市上去賣。3、Red [red] :紅色,拼音:hóng sè ;【造句】:If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor. 如果皮膚髮紅、瘙癢或脫皮,要向醫生諮詢。4、Green [ɡriːn] :綠色,拼音:lǜ sè ;【造句】:Revenues from "green taxes" could then be channelled back into energy efficiency. 從“綠色稅收”得來的收入便可回過頭來用於提高能效。5、Orange[ˈɔrindʒ] :橘色,拼音:jú sè ;【造句】:Hybridising the two species will reduce the red to orange. 將這兩個物種雜交後顏色會由紅色淡化成橙色。6、Yellow["jeləʊ] :黃色,拼音:huáng sè ;【造句】:I undid the bottom two buttons of my yellow and grey shirt. 我解開了自己黃灰相間的襯衫上最下面的兩個紐扣。7、Purple["pɜːpl]:紫色,拼音:zǐ sè;【造句】:"Get the guy in the purple shirt." — "All right, my man." “把那個穿紫襯衫的傢伙叫過來。”——“好的,老兄。”8、Pink [pɪŋk]: 粉色,拼音:fěn sè ;【造句】:He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor. 他正拿著一塊布,布上粉紅色的水滴落在地板上。9、White[wait]:白色,拼音:bái sè ;【造句】:The overhead light was covered now with a white globe. 現在,頂燈已裝上了一個白色球狀罩子。10、Brown[braun]:棕色,拼音:zōng sè ;【造句】:The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath. 崖沙燕是一種褐羽白腹的鳥。11、Beige[beɪʒ]:米色 ,拼音:mǐ sè ;【造句】:The walls are beige. 牆壁都是米色的。12、Cream[kri:m]:雪白色 ,拼音:xuě bái sè ;【造句】:She gave him an extra scoop of clotted cream. 她多給他加了一勺濃縮奶油。

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