  • 1 # smtdk2529

      海馬(拉丁學名:hippocampus),是刺魚目海龍科暖海生數種小型魚類的統稱,是一種小型海洋動物,身長5-30釐米。因頭部彎曲與體近直角而得名,頭呈馬頭狀而與身體形成一個角,吻呈長管狀,口小,背鰭一個,均為鰭條組成。眼可以各自獨立活動。  Hippocampus (Latin name: hippocampus, gasterosteiformes Syngnathidae warm marine several small fish collectively, is a small sea animal, the length of 5-30 cm. Due to a bending head and body almost at right angles to the name, the head is horse head shaped and the body to form a angle, the kiss was a long tubular, mouth is small, the dorsal fin is a, to fin. Eye can be independent activities.  海馬行動遲緩,卻能很有效率地捕捉到行動迅速、善於躲藏的橈足類生物,分佈在大西洋、歐洲、太平洋、澳洲。  Hippocampal action is slow, but can be very efficient to capture action quickly, good at hiding the radial foot type of biological, distributed in the Atlantic, Europe, the Pacific, australia.

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