  • 1 # 使用者8156776498399

    拼搏的英文是: struggle hard 讀音:[ˈstrʌgl hɑ:d] 雙語例句:

    1.Pip and Gatsby, the protagonists of the two novels, born into poor families, hoping to change their fates and climb to the upper class, struggle hard for the desire of money and love. 這兩部小說的主人公,出生於貧苦家庭的皮普和蓋茨比,希望改變命運並攀入上層社會,他們為了金錢和愛情拼搏奮鬥。

    2.In fact, on the pitch is in the night because well, so more competitive sports, struggle hard torequirements. 實際上在球場上也是如斯,由於從事的是競技體育嘛,所以更要要求拼命、拼搏了。

    3.Since our factory is established, through the struggle and hard work of whole staff, at present, the products have already found a good sale in more than ten countries, such as Japan, Korea S.U.S. 我司自成立以來,經過公司全體員工的頑強拼搏和艱苦奮鬥,目前,產品已遠銷日本、南韓、美國、歐洲等十多個國家,產品質量深受使用者好評。

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