  • 1 # 高興時痛飲

    奶牛的英語:cow,發音: [kaʊ]。擴充套件資料詞性:n. 奶牛,母牛;母獸;vt. 威脅,恐嚇。短語:cash cow 金牛 cow shark 六鰓鯊科Spherical Cow 球形奶牛Cow Games 牛牛遊戲crazy cow 瘋狂的奶牛Cow Brand 牛乳牌 cow tree 乳樹 造句:1、They look behind the barn. "Come out, Sun!" shouts Cow.它們到了畜棚後面,奶牛喊道:“太陽公公,出來吧!”2、Those two beautiful sonnets that you transmuted into the cow that was accounted the worst milker in the township.那兩首漂亮的十四行詩不就是嗎? 你用它們換的那頭奶牛是鎮上產奶最差的一頭了。3、Both governments denied knowledge of a ban, but the story itself was enough to spark fears that China was using its economic clout to cow its neighbors.雙方政府都否定了出口禁令的說法,但是這個中國再利用經濟手段威脅其鄰居的事實卻足以引起日本的恐慌。4、A few required them to pass tests in the eleventh or twelfth grade to get a diploma, but to me, that was like closing the barn door after the cow is out.有少數幾個州要求學生在十一或十二年級時透過考試獲得文憑,但在我看來,那等於是在奶牛已經跑出去了再關上牛圈的門――太遲了。5、What do you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo?當你將一隻奶牛和一隻非洲水牛雜交時你得到了什麼?6、A cow, a goat and six chickens.一頭奶牛、一頭山羊和六隻雞。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 尿酸高的人可以吃蛋糕嗎?尿酸高的人吃蛋糕會對身體有哪些影響?