  • 1 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

      原文:  She walks in beauty  She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes,  and starry skies;  And all that"s best of dark and bright meet  in her aspect and her eyes:  Thus mellowed to that tender light  which heaven to gaudy day denies.  One shade the more, one ray the less,  Had half impaired the nameless grace  which waves in every raven tress,  Or softly lightens o"er her face;  Where thoughts serenely sweet express how pure,  how dear their dwelling place.  And on that cheek, and o"er that brow,  So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,  The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  But tell of days in goodness spent,  A mind at peace with all below,  A heart whose love is innocent!  評價:這首小詩描寫的是詩人在舞會上邂逅的一位美貌夫人,是篇感情細膩、幽思嫋嫋、膾炙人口的抒情短章。  There be none of Beauty"s daughters"  There be none of Beauty"s daughters  With a magic like thee;  And like music on the waters  Is thy sweet voice to me:  When as if its sound were causing  The charmed ocean"s pausing  The waves lie still and gleaming  And the lull"d winds seem dreaming:  And the midnight moon is weaving  Her bright chain o"er the deep  Whose breast is gently heaving  As an infant"s asleep:  So the spirit bows before thee  To listen and adore thee;  With a full but soft emotion  Like the swell of summer"s ocean.  A poem by Lord Byron ...  翻譯:沒有一位美麗的女子,  能擁有象你一般的魔力:  彷彿美妙的音樂傳過水麵,  是你動人的聲音,  這聲音的魔力,  彷彿能令大海凝滯,  在和風中似夢似幻,  午夜的月亮搖曳,  其光亮將他深深吸引,  就象熟睡的孩子,  因此精靈在他面前鞠躬,  聆聽並且仰慕,  充滿溫柔的情感,  就象夏日海洋的巨浪。

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