  • 1 # 一顆橘子味的貓

    The Pheonix戰衣鳳凰Put on your war paint豈曰無衣,與子同裳You are a brick tied to me that"s dragging me downStrike a match and I"ll burn you to the groundWe are the jack-o-lanterns in JulySetting fire to the skyHere, here comes this rising tide血肉相連,吾輩乃城牆一星火光,你我化身火場無家可歸,吾輩乃孤狼怒火焚天,無人可擋燃矣,燃之如狂潮怒漲So come on揚羽矣鳳凰Put on your war paint豈曰無衣,與子同裳Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-diesSilver clouds with grey liningsSo we can take the world back from the heart-attackedOne maniac at a time we will take it backYou know time crawls on when you"re waiting for the song to startSo dance along to the beat of your heart並肩橫步,誓死如榮光烏雲壓邊,風鼓銀氅故國月明,斷井頹牆;不破敵虜,何言歸鄉我已為魔,殞身不恤戰鼓頻傳,邊角撤響執戈橫劍,踏鼓催馬上 Hey young bloodDoesn"t it feelLike our time is running outI"m gonna change you like a remixThen I"ll raise you like a phoenixYou"r

  • 2 # 南哥戲看人生

    Put on your war paint 畫上戰妝 You are a brick tied to me that’s dragging me down 你就像是一塊系在我身上的磚塊,把我一直向下拖 Strike ..

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 經常泡溫泉有壞處嗎?