  • 1 # 白雪羽加

    “雨傘”的英文單詞:umbrella【U M B R E L L A】讀:英 [ʌm"brelə] 美 [ʌm"brɛlə] 來自拉丁文的Umbra,意思是雨傘、傘,也有遮陽、陰影處、庇護的意思。擴充套件資料:umbrella,雨傘,作名詞用。比如a folding umbrella,摺疊傘。colorful beach umbrellas,五彩繽紛的海灘遮陽傘。如:I left my umbrella on the bus yesterday。我昨天又把一把傘落在公交車上了。二、短語:umbrella brand 傘形商標 ; 主品牌 ; 保護傘品牌 ; 品牌傘protective umbrella 保護傘 ; 愛惜傘 ; 掩護傘 ; 維護傘Umbrella Beach 洋傘海灘 ; 傘灘Umbrella Company 傘形公司 ; 保護傘公司umbrella ring 傘環撐開雨傘用put up這個動詞短語。如:I felt a few drops of rain,so I put my umbrella up。我感到有幾滴雨點,於是便撐起了雨傘。三、例句:1、Harry held an umbrella over Dawn. 哈里為唐打著傘。2、Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal? 巧合屬於超自然現象嗎?3、The major powers have chosen to act under the moral umbrella of the UnitedNations 世界主要大國都選擇在聯合國的道義框架下行事4、Within the umbrella term "dementia" there are many different kinds of disease.“痴呆”這一統稱裡包括多種不同的疾病。5、Britain cannot avoid being under the US nuclear umbrella, whether it wants to or not.不管願不願意,英國都免不了要處於美國的核保護傘之下

  • 2 # pzyyo24296

    umbrella英:[ʌmˈbrelə]美:[ʌmˈbrelə]詞典:umbrella例句:有人把我的雨傘偷走了。Someone has made off with my umbrella.

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