  • 1 # 愛做夢的瑞貝卡

    disinterested 意指‘公正的’,而uninterested 則表示‘不感興趣的’”。


    1. I"m uninterested in classical architecture.我對古典建築風格不感興趣。

    2. She seems completely uninterested in what I have to tell her about my new job.我想把我新工作的事告訴她,她好像絲毫不感興趣。


    1. But, the mere idea of having that much money is enough to make even the most disinterested students pay attention in a social studies class.可是,哪怕僅僅是想到有這麼一大筆錢,已經足夠使那些對此最不感興趣的學生也關注起這門社會學課程。

    2. He is a disinterested person.他是一個沒有私心的人。

    3. The God makes everyone disinterested.上帝對每個人都是公平的!

    4. The judge gave a disinterested verdict.法官作出了公正的判決

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