  • 1 # 使用者8942906704030


      My favorite sports are rope skipping, running, long jump, rubber band skipping, riding on the swing. But my favorite sport when jumping rope.

      I remember once, on Sunday morning, I finished the homework, picked up the rope began to jump, my sister helped me time, sister said in the beginning, I quickly picked up the rope began to jump, but not long after, a minute will arrive soon, I just jumped 30, elder sister said: it"s not blame you, you slowly to practice, practice can quickly, do not believe I give you jump jump, ok? I said: yes, but I also want to give you time, ok? Sister said: of course!

      I take this timer, said to sister, beginning! Sister jumped up and, in a minute, sister jumped one hundred and ninety-nine! I was surprised to motionless, elder sister said to me: don"t be disappointed! Skip rope, every day can jump to force you can now jump several times? I say: really? Sister said: of course is true! Can I cheat you? What I say! At that time, I want to jump to force this much faster. Sister said: good! I look at you! We both jumped, and had a short rest, feel beautiful today!




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