create table T1(this varchar(10), parent varchar(10))
insert into T1(this,parent)
values ("id1",null)
-- sql server的cte功能
with tree(this,parent,root,depth) as (
select this,parent, this as root, 1 as depth from T1 where parent is null
union all
select a.this,a.parent, b.root, b.depth+1 as depth from T1 a, tree b where a.parent=b.this
select this,parent,root,depth
from tree
order by root,depth,this
create table T1(this varchar(10), parent varchar(10))
insert into T1(this,parent)
values ("id1",null)
-- sql server的cte功能
with tree(this,parent,root,depth) as (
select this,parent, this as root, 1 as depth from T1 where parent is null
union all
select a.this,a.parent, b.root, b.depth+1 as depth from T1 a, tree b where a.parent=b.this
select this,parent,root,depth
from tree
order by root,depth,this