  • 1 # 金吉列西安王芳玲老師

    1.腫瘤學研究Leicester Cancer Cell and Molecular Biology – MSc癌細胞與分子生物學UCL Cancer MSc 癌症Queen Mary Cancer therapeutics MSc癌症治療方法nottingham Oncology Masters (MSc)腫瘤學Kent Cancer Biology MSc 癌症生物學

    2.免疫學manchester Immunology and Immunogenetics MSc 免疫與免疫遺傳學Aberdeen Molecular and Cellular immunology MSc 細胞和分子免疫學Nottingham Immunology andAllergy MSc 免疫學與過敏IC Immunology MSc 免疫學KCL Immunology MSc 免疫學

    3.遺傳學UCL Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine MSc 產前遺傳學和胎兒醫學Manchester Genetic Medicine MRes 遺傳醫學Genetic counselling MSc 遺傳學Leicester Molecular Genetics MSc 分子遺傳學Nottingham Molecular Genetics and diagnostics MSc 分子遺傳學與診斷Glasgow Medical Genetics MSc 遺傳醫學

    4.公共衛生Liverpool international Public Health MSc 國際公共衛生Bournemouth Public Health MSc 公共衛生Nottingham Trent Public Health MA 公共衛生Durham Risk, Health and Public Policy MA 風險,健康與公共政策Essex Public Health MA 公共衛生

    5.藥劑學Central lancashire Industrialpharmaceutics MSc 工業藥劑學Portsmouth Pharmacy Practice MSc 應用藥劑學Queen`s University Belfast Advanced Pharmacy Practice MSc 先進的應用藥劑學

    6.解剖學Edinburgh Human Anatomy MSc 人類解剖學Birmingham Functional and Clinical Anatomy MSc 功能和臨床解剖學Dundee Anatomy and Advanced Forensic Anthropology (MSc) 解剖學和先進的法醫人類學Glasgow Medical Visualisation & Human Anatomy MSc 醫學視覺化人類解剖學

    7.生物醫學Aberdeen Biomedical Engineering MSc 生物醫學工程UCL Physics and Engineering in Medicine: Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging MSc 醫學物理與工程生物醫學工程和醫學影像Warwick BiomedicalEngineering MSc 生物醫學工程 Sussex BiomedicalInstrumentation MSc 生物醫學儀器

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