  • 1 # Affgcff

    1、Sunny照在波紋細碎湖面上,像給水面鋪上了一層閃閃發亮的碎銀,又像被揉皺了的綠鍛。胡是靜的,宛如明鏡一般,清晰地映出藍藍的天,白白的雲,紅紅的花,碧綠的樹。1.It"s very dangerous to walk on an ice-covered lake in spring.春天在結冰的湖面上走是很危險的。2.A thin layer of ice is formed over the lake.湖面上凝結了一層薄冰。3.The lake was skimmed with ice.湖面上結了一層冰。4.As the surface freezes, the ice floats because it is less dense than water.當湖面凍結時,冰由於密度小於水的密度而浮在水面。5.The children wanted the lake to freeze over so they could ice-skate.孩子們希望湖面結冰,這樣他們就可以在上面滑冰了。6.The ice of the lake fractured under the weight of the students skating on it.湖面的冰在滑冰學生們的重量下裂開了。7.Jim started to break the ice up on the frozen lake.吉姆開始在封凍的湖面上敲冰。8.a thrilling wind blew off the frozen lake.刺骨的寒風吹著結了冰的湖。9.It "ll be funny skating on that frozen lake .在那片凍結的湖上滑冰一定會很有趣。

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